jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

How Easy Is It To Score A Soccer Goal?

Scoring a goal in soccer may seem like an easy task, as the nets that comprise them are typically very large. However, anyone who has ever watched a soccer game on TV knows that game scores are typically very low, with winning teams scoring only one or two goals in an entire game. So, if they are so large, what makes scoring a soccer goal so difficult? It’s not the size of the goal that makes the task so hard, it’s the skill of the players on the opposing team whose job it is to prevent the ball from going into the goal’s net that prevents scores from reaching into double digits. To score a soccer goal takes not only skill but it also takes teamwork and a keen knowledge on how to play the game.
Ball Handling
To score a soccer goal, a player must know how to handle the ball well. That means the player must know how to make it from one end of the field to the other with complete control over the ball. However, the other team is working at the same time to prevent the ball from reaching their goal. They will try anything, from trying to steal the ball, to knocking the player off balance so that they can no longer handle the ball. That means that players must learn how to fake other players out, move the ball this way and that, even through other players’ legs, and they must learn to use every part of their body, even their head, in order to try to score a soccer goal. This takes years of practice to master, especially since soccer players cannot use their hands.
On TV, when a soccer goal is scored, the announcer will yell the word Goal very loud in one, drawn out word. This is because scoring a soccer goal is a big deal. The teams practice so much that they are experts at preventing the opposing team from scoring a soccer goal. So, the players must not only know how to handle the ball, but they must also be skilled at faking others out, keeping their bodies fluid, and they must work as a team.
Most soccer goals are the result of team members working together. Very rarely does a player make it from one end of the field to the other to make an individual score. They generally have to pass it from player to player, working as a team, in order to score a soccer goal. That also takes extreme practice, as working as a team in such manner can only come from hard work and dedication. And, because scoring soccer goals are so rare, when it does happen it’s no wonder why the team who scored it celebrates with extreme enthusiasm.

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