lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Soccer Fights Interrupted to hold matches.

Throughout the world the game of soccer is a passion for many fans and unfortunately, this passion often is demonstrated when rival teams play soccer, fights often break out causing mayhem and injury. Most of the fights may begin with players on the field but many times, they are the result of fan interaction as they attempt to show who is more passionate about their favorite team.
Historically, the game of hockey presented more violence, but it was usually between the players. With soccer fights, they may begin as an altercation between players, but the fans are not bashful about joining in the fracas. Many instances of fan violence have made news programs around the world and it is not always about the players. In once incident, following a team’s loss, fans came out of the stand and attacked a referee, with a couple of fans holding him down and others hitting and kicking him as he struggled to get off the field. Other fans tried to come to his rescue but had little luck freeing his from the clutches of angry fans.
In another incident, two fans were apparently having words in the stands during a soccer game and when one turned his back and stood up, the one behind him kicked him in the back, sending him tumbling down the bleacher, before hitting his head on a metal gate at the bottom. Passion and emotions are common among players from all sports, but the majority of soccer fights escalate when fans in the stands join in on-field fights or start their own physical disagreements.
Fans Seldom Face Same Penalties As Players
Quite often players are suspended or banned for a set number of games following soccer fights in which they were involved. In many cases of soccer fights among fans, it is difficult to tell who started the problem and unless there is a clear instigator, fans seldom are found in legal trouble as a result of the fight. Players have also been removed from a game for using racial epithets towards players of other countries who have a different skin color.
There are few other sports in which emotions run so high as to have the fans join in physical contact than in soccer. There have been so many soccer fights within the past few years that there is a running joke among sportscasters about interrupting the fight to present a soccer game.

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