martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Famous soccer players That Are Also Amongst The Richest Sportspersons In The World Today

Soccer originated in England which also has the oldest football club in the world called Sheffield FC, and even today soccer is the sport most watched by fans all across the world and is also known as football except of course in America.
Strode Like Colossal Figures Over The Football Stage
There have also been many famous soccer rivalries including those in England, Scotland and in Spain and there have been famous soccer players such as Pele, Maradonna, Bobby Charlton, Eusebio, Johann Cruyff, Beckenbauer, Ronaldo, Beckham and many more that have strode the football stage as real colossal figures revered and adored throughout the world for their excellent prowess in soccer.
There are some soccer players that though they do not fall in the category of famous soccer players are still nevertheless in the record books such as Stephan Stanis from France who scored sixteen goals in a single game in December 1942 for his club Racing Club de Lens. Also, the fastest goal scored goes to Ricardo Olivera who scored within 3 seconds of the game starting in 1998.
Famous soccer players such as Maradonna debuted in world soccer at the tender age of sixteen for his home team Argentina and another famous soccer player was Eusebio who had the honor of scoring forty-six goals for Benfica in the European Cup.
However, no one would argue that the Brazilians have produced the most famous soccer players thanks to the flair and imagination with which they play the game. From legends such as Pele to the current superstars such as Ronaldo, Ronaldinho there little doubts the talents of these famous soccer players. Of course, pride of place amongst these galaxies of famous soccer players goes to the undisputed king of soccer Pele, who has scored more than one thousand two hundred goals, and even years after his retirement, one can still not help but admire his sublime skills when one watches his matches on video.
Famous soccer players such as Ronaldo who came from a poor background have reaped many financial benefits and are probably amongst the richest as far as sporting personalities are concerned. Another great, Diego Maradonna has excited fans whenever he touches the football, though he later had many drug related problems and is currently retired.
As recently as the last World Cup in 2006 in Germany, one witnessed the famous head butting incident involving French World Cupper Zinedine Zidane who is another of the many famous soccer players, who however suffered the ignominy of being red carded during the finals in 2006.
The English too have a very famous soccer player in David Beckham, who is a very influential midfielder renowned for his pinpoint passes and excellent free kicks. The list of famous soccer players goes on and on, and if one were to list them all it would indeed make up a very lengthy list.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

The Soccer Ball Is The Center Of The Game.

The players of the game focus on the soccer ball that moves around the field as each team tries to propel that ball through the goal. Players can manipulate the soccer ball by using their feet, their torsos or their heads. Only the goalkeeper can use the hands on the ball. The other players should never touch the soccer ball with their hands. A soccer ball is usually a very distinctive ball compared to the balls used in other sports. The ball in organized soccer games is regulated by the international organizations that meet to set the standards for the game. The ball for a soccer game is a sphere made up of black and white pentagons and hexagons. Although the most skillful players on their teams use a leather ball, other players could use a ball made of other materials including plastic.
A regulation soccer ball is inflated to a certain pressure, and the ball for a soccer game weighs approximately sixteen ounces. The circumference of these balls is about twenty-eight inches. In many countries, a ball for a soccer game is called a football. Most soccer balls are made from thirty-two different panels while other balls are made from one piece of material that is colored so it appears to be made from separate pieces.
The Soccer Ball Is Propelled Into The Goal For A Point
As a soccer game proceeds, the ball is either in play or out of play. Each period of the game is started with a kick of the soccer ball. The ball is kicked by one of the teams from the center of the field. If the ball leaves the field or the referee stops the game, it is out of play. Once the ball goes out of play it is returned to play in different ways. There is a kick-off after one team scores a goal. The two opposing teams work to get the soccer ball into the goal to score one point.
Most of the professional players are fantastic to watch as they manipulate the ball with their feet, torsos or heads. These athletes are very agile and fast. The players manipulate the soccer ball as they work with their teammates to get the ball into the goal. The skillful players are great to watch for they use their bodies almost like a machine to move the ball down the field or pass it to one of their teammates.

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Soccer Practice Teaches Game´s Fundamentals.

Regardless of the age of the players, there are different soccer practice drills to help instills the basics of the game as well as to learn the finer points. Many communities offer soccer to players as young as four years of age and one of the most difficult concepts to learn at that age is teamwork. Watching a group of youngsters participating in soccer practice can be like watching a ball magnet on the field. Wherever the ball goes, that is where most of the kids are.
To basic concept of soccer practice is for it to be fun for both the players and the coaches, while teaching fundamentals of the game to the younger players and the finer points of the competition as they get older. There should be separate soccer practice teaching points for different age groups Four to eight, nine to 12, 13 to adult and another set of practice drills for goalies aged 11 to adult. In bad weather there should be a plan for practicing, ot playing indoors.
Many coaches in youth soccer have played the game as youngsters and as adults and most are volunteering their time because they have a child on the team. When they establish a soccer practice regimen, it is often repetition of the game basics such as dribbling and blocking, but the mental attitude of the players is a key part of how well they learn and understand the concept of the game.
Practice Needs To Be Fun And Instructive
When holding soccer practice for very young children, simple repetition will not hold their attention or make them willing to listen to the coaches instruction. Drills need to be fun, smooth and effective. Players tend to loose interest quickly if they do not feel involved and keeping them moving and maximizing their ball touches will keep them motivated to join in the team spirit.
As the children get older, they become more receptive to team play and can grasp a better understanding of the need to play their position. During soccer practice for kids over age nine, must begin with warming up to loosen muscles and get the kids ready for heavy activity. It can them migrate to technical skills, fitness drills and tactical skills with each soccer practice session ending with an scrimmage to test and reinforce the aspects of the game learned during the practice session.
For auld soccer practice, specific warm up exercise and a reinforcement of technical and technical skills should be included, but the key to a successful soccer practice with adults is having coaches who can maintain control of the session throughout the entire time.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

How Easy Is It To Score A Soccer Goal?

Scoring a goal in soccer may seem like an easy task, as the nets that comprise them are typically very large. However, anyone who has ever watched a soccer game on TV knows that game scores are typically very low, with winning teams scoring only one or two goals in an entire game. So, if they are so large, what makes scoring a soccer goal so difficult? It’s not the size of the goal that makes the task so hard, it’s the skill of the players on the opposing team whose job it is to prevent the ball from going into the goal’s net that prevents scores from reaching into double digits. To score a soccer goal takes not only skill but it also takes teamwork and a keen knowledge on how to play the game.
Ball Handling
To score a soccer goal, a player must know how to handle the ball well. That means the player must know how to make it from one end of the field to the other with complete control over the ball. However, the other team is working at the same time to prevent the ball from reaching their goal. They will try anything, from trying to steal the ball, to knocking the player off balance so that they can no longer handle the ball. That means that players must learn how to fake other players out, move the ball this way and that, even through other players’ legs, and they must learn to use every part of their body, even their head, in order to try to score a soccer goal. This takes years of practice to master, especially since soccer players cannot use their hands.
On TV, when a soccer goal is scored, the announcer will yell the word Goal very loud in one, drawn out word. This is because scoring a soccer goal is a big deal. The teams practice so much that they are experts at preventing the opposing team from scoring a soccer goal. So, the players must not only know how to handle the ball, but they must also be skilled at faking others out, keeping their bodies fluid, and they must work as a team.
Most soccer goals are the result of team members working together. Very rarely does a player make it from one end of the field to the other to make an individual score. They generally have to pass it from player to player, working as a team, in order to score a soccer goal. That also takes extreme practice, as working as a team in such manner can only come from hard work and dedication. And, because scoring soccer goals are so rare, when it does happen it’s no wonder why the team who scored it celebrates with extreme enthusiasm.

miƩrcoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Choose Different Soccer cleats For Different Playing Surfaces.

Performing well in anything that one does is very important, and the same is the case for soccer players, which depends on more than physical and mental strength and to a great degree also on the footwear that soccer players use. And, soccer cleats is very important to the soccer boots that are used, as they help in keeping the player sure of foot and not prone to slipping and also enables them in changing direction quickly.
Banning Of Metal Cleats
From the time that soccer came to be played, there has always been a need for the players to maintain their footing on different surfaces. It meant that the soccer boots needed to have soles that could offer resistance to the surface that soccer was being played on. In the beginning, soccer boots used metal tacks though these were found to be dangerous and later were banned till the evolution of the soccer boots came up with new types of cleats.
The new soccer cleats could be made from various kinds of materials and were also able to be removed or remain fixed in place, and among the more common cleats used was the plastic cleats. Plastic soles are simple to make and also cost less, which is why plastic cleats were most often used though rubber soccer cleats are also quite common being softer than the plastic types.
Whether the player uses rubber or plastic cleats, they are both attached to the sole of the soccer boot. In addition, players can even use removable aluminum soccer cleats and with more innovation in their production, these cleats can now even be made so that they help distribute the pressure across the entire soccer boots.
Mostly, for different playing surfaces, different type of soccer cleats is used and aluminum ones are most suited for soft ground conditions, while plastic cleats are ideal for firm grounds. In addition, soccer cleats that are made of rubber can be best used when the ground is especially hard since they provide for better impact, and on these harder surfaces, there is no real need for the soccer cleats to penetrate the surface too deeply. Also, most soccer cleats will be high on the heel and low on the front since the heel has to bear more weight.
If players do not pay adequate attention to the type of soccer cleats they use, or they use the wrong type for the surface on which they are playing, it will only result in injuries that usually affect the knees as also the ankles. Still, the number of professional soccer players that prefer traditional soccer cleats is quite high since they feel that they are getting more protection with these types of cleats.
The bottom line is that soccer players need to set examples for others to follow, and using the proper soccer cleats made by the better manufacturers should help them play better soccer and also not risk getting injured, while also teaching budding soccer players how to choose the right cleats.

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Soccer Equipment Makes For A Great Game

The professional soccer players often have very sophisticated stadiums and soccer equipment, but the game is very popular because children all around the world can play a vigorous game without a great deal of special equipment. Some children play a game with only a ball. That is really the only soccer equipment that is absolutely necessary, and some children play the game with a very inexpensive ball. The official balls that the professionals use when they play their games meet certain specifications like the balls used in other sports such as professional basketball and baseball.
The official soccer balls are usually a black and white sphere approximately 28 inches in circumference. This piece of soccer equipment usually weighs about sixteen ounces. Many soccer balls are made of leather although other materials are used for acceptable balls. The soccer ball is familiar to many people around the world because it is usually made of thirty-two panels made in the shape of pentagons and hexagons. This piece of soccer equipment looks very distinguished as it spins across the field. The official balls are made of the separate panels although other balls are made of one piece but in black and white that appear to be separate panels.
Soccer Equipment Includes Special Shoes, Jerseys And Shorts
Children can play the game of soccer with little soccer equipment besides a ball, and some pieces of wood or rock to mark a goal. Some people will play a game of soccer with the sneakers that they use for other purposes. Most players like to have better soccer equipment if possible. A good pair of soccer shoes can make any player a better asset to the team. There are soccer shoes that can cost more than a hundred dollars, and many players like to have these great shoes when they play the game. The shoes for soccer are often called soccer boots in other parts of the world. The shoes used for soccer have studs that help the players as they propel the ball down the field.
Soccer equipment does not require special jerseys or shorts, but there are some distinguished jerseys and shorts available. The best professional teams have beautiful uniforms for their games, and many of these teams wear uniforms that are immediately recognized by their fans. The organized teams for amateurs usually have uniforms that imitate those worn by the professionals. Even the organized teams for young children have beautiful uniforms that most players find most becoming. The day that the soccer equipment is provided to the teams is usually a day of great excitement for the young players.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Soccer Camps Teach Fundamentals And Teamwork

While many parents send their children to summer camp to learn about wildlife, environmental impact and learning about living outdoors, others opt to send their kids to soccer camps to help them better understand the fundamentals of the game. Although many soccer camps are designed for children, there are others that bring adults together to help them learn more strategy and tactical techniques that can help them become part of a winning team.
Keeping the age groups separated, either planning different times for different age groups, the soccer camps can be designed to meet the needs of each specific group. Younger children, under eight can be taught the basics of the game and need for sportsmanship as well as teamwork. One of the most common complaints from coaches with soccer teams of kids eight to 12 is the inability to follow basic directions and an unwillingness to responsible for a segment of the field.
In many instances, coaches are faced with the kids that are attracted to the ball and forget about serving their defensive responsibilities. The purpose of soccer camps for the younger players can teach them the need to guard their position while they help with the offensive run.
Players Grow Into More Aggressive Roles
As the players get older and more mature they can grasp the concept of team and begin working together. They can start to understand how their position on the field is only one part of the equation and soccer camps can help them see the big picture of how a team can work together. Once they master the concept of the game and working together, they can start looking to be more aggressive in their ball handling.
Even adults can learn in soccer camps set up across the country where one of the ideas taught is that of sportsmanship. They can learn it is OK to chide other players, but that violence is not tolerated in the American soccer arena as it is in Europe and other soccer loving countries. Similar to training camps for professional sports teams, being in physical condition is also stressed and many adults attend soccer camps to learn more exercise techniques for the muscles used in the game of soccer.
Conditioning and preparation is taught in soccer camps for all age groups and soccer camps for coaches cam also help them design programs for players of the age groups they coach. All that is missing from American camps are ones designed to teach sportsmanship to some of the fans.